Last week, BJF Group actively participated in a community-driven project orchestrated by Vinci Facilities, alongside other contractors affiliated with the FDIS contract. Together, our aim was to contribute to the enhancement of the Battle of Britain Memorial, ensuring its enduring significance as a tribute to the courageous individuals it commemorates.

It was agreed that BJF Group would concentrate efforts on enhancing the car parking and entrance areas. This involved sourcing essential materials such as granite gravel, as well as procuring necessary equipment including wheelbarrows, rakes, shovels, and Chapter 8 barriers. BJF Group’s contributions to this project were led by Barry Reynard, Head of Projects – FM Division, who ensured the project was carefully planned with completed RAMs and Task Control sheets.

The project spanned two days, during which the team worked tirelessly to cover the coach park and complete the lower end of the car park. Despite encountering adverse weather conditions on Tuesday, including rain and fog, the team’s morale remained positive as they persevered, ultimately completing the upper half of the car park and the gravel path.

This project carried immense significance, as it coincides with the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The Battle of Britain Memorial serves as an invaluable educational resource, preserving the memory of pivotal historical events for generations to come.

BJF Group extends gratitude to all involved, particularly Cheryl Harrison, Assistant Project Manager at Vinci Facilities, for her exemplary management of the project.

More information on the community project can be found from Battle of Britain Memorial here.